We are getting close to Awards Week ~
Some reminders about invites to these events.
The Kindergarten and First Grade Programs - All Parents are Invited
The Second and Third grade Awards will be done together - We will only invite the parents of the students receiving awards and we won't tell them what award their child is receiving.
Fourth grade will also be invitation only.
The Fifth grade program is for ALL parents - The Fifth Graders will perform
It is expected that K-3 will also have some sort of classroom awards given - It's up to you if you want to invite parents or not. It can be as simple or big as you want it to be. During the School program I will remind the students that more awards/recognitions will be given in their classroom.
The Cut Off for the Cahaba Wall of Fame is tomorrow - April 30. We'll announce the last recipients this week
This is
The Cut Off for AR and DreamBox (Awards Day) is May 11th for 2-5 and May 7 for K/1
On the District Calendar:
Math Performance Assessments - Grades K, 1 and 2 - April 30 - May 11
Reading Performance Assessments - Second Grade Only - April 30 - May 4
STAR Reading Assessments - Grades 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 (selected Kindergarten students) -
May 1 - May 15
Early Literacy Assessment - All Kindergarten - May 1 - May 15
Front Porch: Pennington
Car Line: Prickett
Breakfast: A Smith
Kindergarten: Shannon
First Grade: Grogan
Back Hall: Mills, Higg and Johnson
Car Line: Gudgen, Meredith, Giangrosso
Bus: Bonovitch
Top of the Ramp: Ellision
Intersection: Wilkerson
Every must see American Fidelity this week - They will be in the the Conference Room Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday of this week
We will collaborate in the the Collaboration Room this Tuesday for the full amount of time (PE and Specials) Please remember that someone from your team will need transport. Officer Bowen will not be outside. We will be preparing and making a plan for Get Ahead of the Pack day ~ May 10th.
Some thoughts from teacher/blogger Linda Kardamis..............
How to Finish the School Year Strong
1. Don't coast; instead, be more intentional. Don't allow your self to go on autopilot. Instead, choose to make these last days count. Set one or two end-of-the -year goals and make it a priority to do all you can to influence your students during these last few days.
2. Keep first things first. When you're overwhelmed and there are a million things to do, remember to keep first thing first. Focus on what really matters and realize that the rest will get done eventually.
3. Decide to enjoy these last days. Instead of counting every moment till you're done, choose to enjoy these last days you have with this group of students. This one mental decision will impact everything else you do.
"This time, right now at the end of the year. This time can be the most valuable. While they may be driving you up a wall, you are likely more able to speak into their lives now than you ever were before. I promise the summer will be here soon. But until then, don't phone it in. Don't coast. Don't go through the motions. You only have a few more days to impact your students. Don't waste that time!"