It is "A" Week,
Book Fair Week and
Grandparents Week!
Duty this week
Car Line: Fortenberry
Between gym/first grade door: A Smith
Back Hall: Wilson, Mince, Wilkerson
Library: Harrison
Amphitheater: Grogan
Car Line: Gudgin, Grogan, Giangrosso
Front of School/near gym:Shorter
Front Hall Intersection: Mansfield
Top of the ramp/teacher workroom: Jones
Pledge Helpers
Mon.: Wilkerson
Tues: Wilson
Wed: Crocker
Thur: Mills
Fri: Wessel
We will NOT meet as a collective staff tomorrow afternoon. Please use this time collaborating with your team. Spend your time with one of the following suggestions: speed teaching this week LC's lessons, working through the math problems that your students will complete, building projects for social studies and science in myOn or creating an EnRICh proposal! Let us know if you'd like our help or input.
Please make sure your students are headed to your classroom no later than 7:50 every morning.
Consider contributing to the United Way. For more information, contact Rachel Osburn. Deadline: FRIDAY!
A new TTR list was sent out early last week. If you have any questions about who to send email Tyner or A Smith.
If you are sending cash to the office, you should bring it up during your planning time or after school. We've had some $$ disappear form the basket in the hallway!
During collaboration this week we will be working on e-learning and updating campfire (this include kids that are 504, MSl, monitor, T2, T3 and/or being referred for testing)
Reminders about this week.............
Parents may come and shop with their children during their regular library our counseling time ONLY. We will not call students out of class to meet their parent in the book fair.
Students will be allowed to join their grandparents in the book fair after lunch. They will come back to class asap. Administrators will be in the hallways as well as PTO volunteers
Our students have rounded up grandparents from across the USA and abroad. We are expecting record setting numbers ( Tues/156, Wed/162, Thur/151) We will all have to be flexible.
We will have extra personal in the cafeteria and extra seating outside on the front lawn.
Please avoid the front door and the front lawn between 10:15 - 1:15
Grandparents are not allowed to go back to the classrooms!
October 9 will be our Student Led Conferences - Please vote for the time frame you would prefer VOTE HERE
Our Five Deep Roster still has empty spots! Please take another look.
If you have ideas for EnRICh
please fill out a proposal this is the link:
Kindergarten Early Interventions are on hold until we re-evaluate