Mon: Smith
Tues: Collins
Wed: Dickerson
Thur: Johnson
Fri: Odom
Duty this Week
Car Line: Mills
1st Grade: Harrison
Bus Sidewalk/Back Hall:Philpot
Library: Windham
Cafeteria: Scott
Back Hall: Rish/Collins
Car Line: Prickett/Jones/Shorter
Front Sidewalk/bus: Wilkerson
Front Hall Intersection: Harrison
Outside Teacher Workroom: Higg
1. Checkout the Guest Reader sign up form - once everyone has signed up once - We'll send it back out as a first come first serve for extra readers.
2. Door Contest Rules and Confirmed judges list are in the drive - Deadline March 2
3 What will you have in your room during Family Night, that parents will NOT want to miss??
4. K/1 Children should match a book to their costume.for the Book Character Parade. Books should be carried in the parade!
If you are on the formal evaluation cycle, you should have received an email from Tyner or Rosetta with directions for your second eval. Let's get this knocked out as soon as possible.
If you have new/pictures for In the Loop, please upload them into the Teacher Resources Shared Drive/folder labeled "In the Loop"
The Trimester ended Friday. We will update the Wall of Fame this week. Friday was also the cut off for our Trimester Celebration.
Report Card Reminders:
Posting is OFF - 8:00 - Tuesday morning
Report Cards go home - Friday
We have a tornado drill and an intruder drill planned for this week. The intruder drill will be a Switch Drill. This means it will start as a fire drill and at some point during the evacuation, we'll call for a lock down. PLEASE, PLEASE talk to your students about this. I'll also talk about procedures during morning announcements. If you need me, Rosetta or Rachel to come talk to your class, please let us know. Remember, during this drill, you go to the nearest secure room. You don't try to get back to your room.
The Glow Down is Friday Night! Please plan on coming by, even if you can't stay. It is
so encouraging to our PTO to see you!
PACESetter Party Friday