Monday, February 26, 2024


Directions for Tuesday's Book Character Parade

First Grade, McDonald will lead 1st grade, with Patterson being last. You will parade all the way down past the 5th grade classes and double back in front of Tony's office and  the GATe classroom, always staying on the left.  You'll walk all the way back to the cross through hall (cafeteria) and turn while staying on the left side.  Once you make it to the front hall, you may walk down the middle all the way to the gym and enter the foyer of the gym. They will enter the gym from the ACTA side.  The students will walk in a circle around the gym twice and exit through the refrigerator room, through the double doors and back into the front hall.

Kindergarten will be led by Jones class followed by, Bamberg, Shorter, Summers and Pennington. Once you are lined up walk through the cross through hall (cafeteria) and stop on the left side.  I will tell you when to go!  Then, you will go all the way to the end of the hall and double back in front of Tony's office and the GATe Room.  You will continue on the left side of the hall, past the cross through hall and down to the double doors.  When you reach the double doors, you'll double back and turn on the cross through hall and head to the gym.   The Kindergarten classes will stop in front of the Art room until Mrs. Rosetta comes to lead you into the gym.  The students will walk in a circle around the gym twice and exit through the refrigerator room, through the double doors and back into the front hall.

Assigned places for students (parade viewers)
The parade will go up and down the back hall.  We will not go past the First grade classrooms.  If you don't have room to spread out, you may move to the cross over hall, but please only line up on the BRICK wall side. There should also be extra space by the STEM Room and Music Room.

Tyner will be at the intersection of the back hall and cross through hall and at the back of the parade.
Rosetta will lead the parade.
Prickett will go FB live.
Smith is taking pictures
McIntosh is supervision parent sign in stations in the gym
Fortenberry is running sound/music  - announce "Let The Parade Begin" when you get the thumbs up from Rosetta
Bone will be at her room to make sure the Kindergarten students STOP and wait for Rosetta.

4th grade - PE should be ready to start on time at 9:10
5th grade Specials should be ready to go at 9:00. (Tina may be a minute late)
All First Grade will come to PE at 11:55 -12:25
Fifth Grade will come to PE at 1:15 - 1:45

I always enjoy Open House!  It's a long day, but a happy day. Here a few expectations that will help make this night enjoyable and productive.

1. Every student should have an updated data notebook on their desk.  Mrs. Rosetta and I plan to make the rounds to every room and we look forward to seeing this piece in action.
2. Make sure you don't have any "personal" information on your board or posted in your room.  This would be things like; last names, behavior charts or notes, a list of students who are missing work etc......
3. If you have work displayed, choose a few pieces or make sure everyone has a piece. Leaving a few out, even  for legitimate reasons, can cause negative feelings.
4. Let's save the 45 minutes scheduled for your grade level for your parents and students.  Please arrange for your personal children and other family, to hang out somewhere else until your Open House is over.
5.  Have a plan for that parent that will try to have a conference! Don't let one parent take all your time! 
6. If you aren't in your room, please lock your door!

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