Duty this Week
Kindergarten: Summers
First Grade: Patterson
Cafeteria: Garrett
Carline: Faucher and Searcy
Zone 1: Johnson
Zone 2: Mann
Zone 3: Collins
Radio: Prickett
End of Carline: Ellis
Monitor Carline students: Dickerson and Jones
Intersection of the back hall: Searcy
Hallway around Searcy/Kiefer: Fortenberry
Intersection of the front hall: Young
Walker Pass Colors
Mon: Blue
Tues: White
Wed: Pink
Thurs: Blue
Fri: Green
Star Students
Mon: Vincent
Tues: Kibbey
Wed: Johnson
Thurs: Odom
Fri: Lipford
next Monday will be Marshall
On the Calendar
Kickoff for the myOn Winter Reading Challenge
Numeracy Week
PTO Christmas Week at Cahaba
Tuesday: Collaboration with Dr. Berry -
Thursday: Deadline for MUSH grants - Staff Christmas Party
Friday: Decorating for the Tinsel Trail - Window for Math AIMSWeb opens- SHINE Field Trip - Prize Patrol
Sunday: 3rd Annual Merry Market and Tinsel Trail
Next Week
MyOn Reading Challenge
Math AIMSWeb testing
Mon: Trussville 360 Field Trip -
Tues: Kindergarten caroling Field Trip - SHINE Christmas Concert
Wednesday: 5th grade Spelling Bee - Special Treat from your Admins
Thurs: Cahaba hosts TCS Leadership Meeting- - Secret Pall Reveal
Fri: Friday Freeze - Prize Patrol - Kindergarten Field Trip
It's time to nominate for our November Team Member of the Month! Please nominate any of our classified employees (cafeteria, custodial, office, nurse, assistant teachers) Our last two honorees from this group were Mrs. Nancy and Mrs. Peggy. I'd like to announce Thursday morning, so start sending those nominations in now!
Our Annual Sing-a-long/Cahaba Variety Show will be Friday, December 15! We hope that EVERY TEAM will prepare a fun skit/song/dance for our students. Please send your song title and a recording to Tina asap.
- Students may NOT take any open food or drink containers out of the cafeteria after breakfast or lunch. Breakfast trays may not be taken by a student out of the cafeteria.
-Take a look this week at your "bathroom schedule". Make sure you have built in "whole class" bathroom breaks. Allowing students to leave your class throughout the day creates lost instructional time and prime opportunities for discipline problems. Please avoid this as much as possible.
- Everyone should be in your classroom by 7:50 each morning. To help with this, we'll make an announcement every morning around 7:48.
-Our annual myOn Challenge has proven to be a great way to keep students reading and busy during this holiday weeks. Please create some sort of motivational chart in your classroom to encourage students to participate.
-Don't forget to fill in the "Extra Recess Earned" google doc when your students earn extra recess. It is located in the Teacher Resources Drive.
Thank you for supporting our Food Drive
5,532 ITEMS!