Sunday, May 7, 2023

 It's "B" Week

Walker Pass Colors

Mon: Yellow
Tues: White
Wed: Blue
Thurs: Green
Fri: White

Duty this Week
Kindergarten: Summers
First Grade: Patterson
Cafeteria: Garrett
Carline: Harrington and Young
Zone 1: Johnson
Zone 2: Mann
Zone 3: Wilkerson
Radio: Jackson
End of Carline: Ellis
Monitor Carline Students: McDonald and Kibbey
Intersection on the front hall: Searcy
Front Lawn *buses only: Prickett

On the Calendar the Week.........
It's Teacher Appreciation Week!
It's Nurse Appreciation Week!
Monday: Your STEM Team makes presentation to the accreditation committee. - SHINE Spring Concert @ 6:30
Tuesday: Pennington, Shorter, Summers Field Trip - 
Wednesday: FINAL cutoff for Awards Day (WOF, Millionaire, SM)@ 3:00 -Bamberg and Jones Field Trip - Clap Out for Fifth Grade 8:10 - Fifth grade to HTMS AM - Last Day for Lunch Visitors in the Cafe
Thursday: Fire Drill - Final Interviews for STEM Accreditation
Friday: Fifth Grade Mystery Day - No Prize Patrol

and Next Week
See graphic for dates and times of Awards Programs
Wed: Announce May Pacesetter - All Grades entered by 8:00
Thursday: Grade Verification Sheets due at 8:00, Miss Annie here for K - Nancy's Retirement Party
Friday: Last Prize Patrol -Last Friday Freeze

Star Students
Mon: Vincent
Tues: Windham
Wed: Collins
Thurs: Wessel
Fri: Mann
next Monday will be Lipford

Schedule Change!
This week, we'll follow an alternate Specials Schedule to accommodate the specialist helping with Mystery Extravaganza Day.

We will Clap Out our Fifth Graders early Wednesday Morning immediately following announcements 
Third and Fourth Graders should stand outside their Classrooms
Second Grade line the Cafeteria Hallway on the same side as the cafeteria doors - 
First Grade line the Cafeteria Hallway on the Brick/ library side -
Second and First should fill from the back hall to the front hall

Pennington and Summers line the area between the front bathroom to the porch doors
Shorter, Bamberg and Jones should line the walk out front.  As soon as the fifth graders have passed by, Bamberg/Jones can load for your field trip in the Car Rider area.

Everyone needs to clap, blow a party horn, or use "clapping hands" - Have one or two people in your class hold a poster with an inspiring message.  

Here is the link for you EOY Checkout!  PLEASE do NOT attempt to turn in any
 materials etc.....  until Monday, May 15

Please finish Reading AIMSWeb as soon as you can!  

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