It's "A" Week
Kindergarten: Bamberg
First Grade: Bridges
Cafeteria: Harrington
Carline: Garrett and Searcy
Zone 1: Lipford
Zone 2 Kibbey
Zone 3: Windham
Radio: Prickett
End of Carline: Osburn
Monitor Carline students: Moore and Bamberg
Intersection of the front hall: Fulmer
Front Lawn (buses only) Smith
On the Calendar this week
See graphic for dates and times of Awards Programs
Don't forget those Classroom Awards! Everyone is recognized!
Mon and Tues: Data Meetings - I sent calendar invites
Wed: Announce May Pacesetter - All Grades entered by 8:00
Thursday: Grade Verification Sheets due at 8:00, Miss Annie here for K - Nancy's Retirement Party
Friday: Last Prize Patrol -Last Friday Freeze
and Next Week
Mon: Kindergarten and First Grade Field Day - Cahaba Authors Lunch - Trimester Celebration
Tues: Second - Fifth Grade Field Day - PaceSetter Breakfast
Wed: Early Dismissal 12:00 for students
Thurs: Teacher Work Day
Star Students
Mon: Lipford
Tues: Dickerson
Wed: Odom
Thurs: Marshall
Fri: McDonald
Latham will have Monday
Walker Pass Colors
Mon: White
Tues: Green
Wed: Pink
Thurs: Yellow
Fri: Green
Please send student's belongings home this week, if possible. Frequently things are left in the office for parents to pick up.... and they don't!
The complete Field Day Schedule will be distributed by our Coaches later this week. Parents will be running the games. You may also invite ONE parent to be your helper for the day. They may travel with you and your class. If you choose to have a parent, turn in their name to Nancy before Wednesday. They will need to check in the office the morning of the Field Day, show their drivers license and get a name sticker. Each teacher will also receive a lunch time and spot. Parents are welcome to attend the picnic lunch, but you do need to collect their names in advance. The office will need a list of these expected guest, but they do not have to check in the office.
Please don't send the message that attendance doesn't count during these last two weeks of school. It does! and it's a part of our State Report Card!
If you have a student who receives a certificate that has an incorrect name or spelling, please make correcting on the "incorrect certificate" and put it in my box. I'll get a replacement to you asap.
Scheduling Plan
We will run our regular PE and Specials schedule M-W. After that we will have an alternate schedule (coming soon). Wednesday, is early dismissal day we will not have Specials or PE.
To the mother who is new, who is up and down all night,
To the mother whose heart is full, but with empty rooms now,
To the mother who cried today and wonders if she is enough,
To the exhausted mother who doesn't know how to answer, "What did you do today?"
To the mother who stays at home,
To the mother who works and juggles so many balls,
To the mother who stares at her child in awe, who still can't believe,
To the mother currently tearing her hair out,
To the mothers that are no longer with us, but always will be,
To the mothers who lift each other up,
To the mothers who show up every day,
To you.
Place value on the work you do.
When the days feel difficult, that's because they are.
This is the hardest yet most rewarding job in the world.
You're not just a person,
You're a place
You are someone's home.
You are a mother.
Happy Mother's Day!