Monday, January 21, 2019

Weekly Update!

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It's "A" Week!

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You Have Duty this Week!
Car Line:Pennington
Cafeteria : Young
Sidewalk between the gym and the school: Shorter
Back Hall:  Wilson, Odom, Wessel
Library: Harrison
Amphitheater: Tilford
Car Line: Gudgen, Mills, Young
Front of school near the gym: Jones
Front Hall Intersection: Bamberg
Top of Ramp/by workroom: Meredith

Image result for microphone kids clip artOur Pledge Helpers - You are doing a great job using this as a recognition tool.  THANK YOU!

Tues: Ellison
Wed: Grogan
Thur: Latham
Fri: Tilford

Image result for i think you are wonderful

The Affirmation Challenge for this week............
Write one letter to someone on our staff that has talents/gifts that you feel need recognizing. Tell them about it!

Image result for seriouReally, this is serious.....................
Students cannot be left unsupervised. Only in emergency situations should you ever ask your neighbor teacher to watch your class.   Before stepping out of you room, think.... 

1. Can this wait until Specials/PE, lunch or after school?  
2. Can I ask my question through email?  
3. If this worth disrupting instruction in my room and my partners? 

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PALS Academy: Camp Literacy was a huge hit.  
It was our best PALS Academy yet.  I appreciate those of you who stayed on that rainy night to make this so special.  Please join me in thanking Jenni Peters and Rosetta for their planning and support. #yourock

Image result for bug eyes cartoonTake a few minutes to review your PE and Specials schedule.  Make sure you are picking up and dropping off your students at the correct time.  I asked the Specialist to reach out to you individually if they feel you have the wrong time in mind.  It seems that we aren't all following the same schedule  
.Grade Level Schedules for PE and Specials

As we begin our Squad Rotations as part of the Cahaba Colleague Combine I encourage you to do the following:

1. LEARN from your visits
2. Give your visitors something to LEARN
3. Be Inspired and Enjoy!
4. Tweet what you see. #CCC

Image result for Its going to be a fantastic week!

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