Sunday, January 6, 2019

Weekly Update!

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It's "A" Week!

Who has duty this week?

Car Line: Prickett
Cafeteria: Scott
Sidewalk between the gym and building: Rish
Back Hall: Dickerson, Odom, Franklin
Library: Harrison
Amphitheater: Ellison
Car Line: Grogan, Giangrosso, Gudgen
Front of school near gym: Rish
Front Intersection: Philpot
Top of Ramp by Teacher Workroom: Wessel

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Our Pledge Helpers will be......
Mon: Philpot
Tues: Smith
Wed: Patterson
Thurs: Rish
Fri: Windham

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Barbara is ready to load an extra 1000 copies for each of you!  Please let her know what machine you would like your copies added to.  Happy New Year from your office staff!

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Progress Reports for grades 3-5 go home Thursday.  So, Collaboration expectations will be adjusted to give you time to work on this task.  K-2, please plan to meet in the collaboration during your Special's time.  Grades 3-5, you may work on your grades once you've updated daily schedules and EnRICh schedules (4/5) Make sure these are posted and uploaded.

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STAR and STAR EL should be completed this week. If you have students that have an IEP, go to MSL, or receive ELL services, please make sure they are taking their test with Meredith, Pennington or Young. 

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Encourage your students to bring in dried up markers.  

Keep a count for your 
class before putting them in the 

large green box in the foyer.  

The winning class gets an invite to a 

Birthday Breakfast with Mrs. Tyner.

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Located on our Website is a detailed description of our Student Recognition plan.  Please take a minute to look at this publication and ask questions.  I developed this to help you answer parent questions and added to our website last summer.  We'll talk about this briefly at our staff meeting Monday.  Student Recognition at Cahaba

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Choose your ONE WORD for 2019 -  We'll share during Staff Meeting.

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