Sunday, December 9, 2018

Weekly Update~

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It's "A" Week

You have duty this week!
Image result for Christmas clip artCar Line: Johnson
Cafeteria: Scott
Sidewalk between the gym and school: Rish
Back Hall: Dickerson, Patterson, Windham
Library: Harrison
Amphitheater: Fortenberry
Car Line: Gudgen, Cates, Johnson
Front of school near the gym: Bonovitch
Front hall/intersection: Shannon
Top of slope/beside teacher workroom: Fortenberry

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Our Pledge Helpers
Mon: Wilkerson
Tues: Mills
Wed: Crocker
Thur: Higg
Fri: Wessel

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We have a busy week! Tuesday is Christmas Movie Character Day and Thursday, Polar Express Day.  That doesn't mean that we will have movie days. This week will be all about the holiday, but our academic expectations are still in place.  Also, remember, free time on computers without any structure always ends badly. What a great week to read and write.  I bet someone has already thought of a holiday based math investigation. Please post some of your great ideas on twitter or FB.

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Barbara is still collecting money to help pay for a plaque that we will put in the serving line area in memory of Lana.  Friday will be the last day to give. 

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Tomorrow's party!
- We will have the reveal and final gift for Secret Santa!
- Bring a wrapped ornament for an ornament swap
- Bring an unwrapped item from your classroom that you don't want (fun and games)

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Please email me a picture of your students working on the Angel Card Project.  I'd also appreciate a picture of a couple of your best cards.  This is such a tremendous opportunity!

I emailed every teacher that has a student assigned to the TTR Lab a new schedule that will start Tuesday.  If you have any questions, please let me know.  This schedule will run through the end of January. 

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Important Information regarding Teacher Absences

- If you know you are going to be absent put the sub request in 
Ready Sub AND a request in the Time System ASAP.
- If you do not have a sub the day before your absence, 
please let Nancy know.  She may be able to give you guidance.
- If you do not have a sub the morning of your absence, 
please email or text Mrs. Tyner ASAP.
- There is a new folder in the TEACHER RESOURCES Team Drive.  
It is named SPLIT PLAN.  As soon as you can, please upload a document that details the way you would like your students split up and to which teacher.  I will only use this in case of an emergency.  Please include the way the child goes home.
-  In the event that there is not a sub.  An administrator 
will make the decisions about using the plan and either 
an administrator or our counselor will orchestrate the movement. 

Make this week EPIC!
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