I'll close nominations for our December Team Member of the Month on January 1. It's not too late to nominate a 3-5 teacher!
Please make sure all of your Christmas decorations are down before the students come back!
Tuesday, January 2 is a teacher work day. We have various meetings (Fine Arts, Sped, EnRiCH, Primary Math) going on throughout the day. Some are at Cahaba, while others are off campus. We will start the day with a breakfast in the cafeteria provided by Faith Church. It will start at 8:00 am.
Please remember Dawn Kemp and Christy Ellison. They both had deaths in their families over the holiday. Dawn's mother in law and Christy's grandmother.
January 3rd will mark the opening of the testing window for STAR (1-5), EL (K) and Reading Performance Testing (2-5). PLEASE make sure students are tested before January 12!
Front Porch: Johnson
Car Line: Scott
Breakfast: Fortenberry
Kindergarten: Jones
First Grade: Harrison
Back Hall: Bramlett, Dickerson, Odom
Carline: Gudgen, Young, Pennington
Buses: Ford
Top of the Ramp: Feild
Intersection on the front hall: Higg
Enjoy your last few days of 2017, but especially enjoy your families and your time off.