Sunday, September 24, 2023


It's "B" Week!

Duty this Week
Kindergarten: Jones
First Grade: Harrison
Cafeteria: Garrett
Carline: Faucher and Fulmer
Zone 1: Marshall
Zone 2: Vincent
Zone 3: Wilkerson
Radio: Smith
End of Carlin: Wessel
Monitor Carline kids: Patterson and Mann
Intersection of the Back Hall: P Franklin
Hallway around Searcy/Kiefer Room: Fortenberry
Intersection of the Front Hall: Young

Walker Pass Colors
Mon: White
Tues: Green
Wed: Pink
Thurs: Yellow
Fri: White

Star Students
Mon: Moore
Tues: Mills
Wed: D. Franklin
Thurs: Wessel
Fri: Mann
Monday will be Windham

Monday:  Pacesetters announced and photographed
Tuesday: Use Collaboration Time to prepare for Conferences - AM Open Court Walk throughs
Wednesday: SHINE tryout after school
Thursday: Newcomers Breakfast (Invitation ONLY) - Lockdown Drill
Friday: PaceSetter Breakfast - Homecoming Tattoos sold (see below)

The PTO will be selling water soluble Husky Pride tattoos Friday.  They will come to your classroom and ask for 3-5 students to come into the hall at a time.  Please only send students who have money! 

Mrs. Rosetta and I have enjoyed listening to your Morning Meetings in person and hearing stories about this special time and how it impacts your classroom. Morning Meetings should be occurring in every classroom immediately following announcements.  This is a special time for students to share with you and for you to intuitively make connections for follow up on later.  Let's keep this as a "special" time for sharing and building classroom culture. If you need ideas to guide your meetings, please reach out to Mrs. McIntosh or another colleague.

Please start the sign up for Parent-Teacher Conferences this week!  Don't forget to use the chart Mrs. Rosetta put in your box to document your meetings. 

Please monitor your students when they are at the water filling stations and bathrooms.  Spills = Accidents. To help with this, please don't send more than 2-4 students out of the room at one time.

Our September Team Member of the Month will be announced Wednesday!  Please take a minute to nominate a 3rd, 4th, or 5th grade teacher who has been a positive impact on you.  Our most recent honorees were Misty Moore and Sara Wessel.

Help us celebrate our amazing custodial staff! Our staff and students love Mr. Tony, Mrs. ReNaye, & Mrs. Terresa. Please help show them how much we appreciate their dedication and commitment to our school and students by working on some cards/posters. Please get your cards/posters to Kylie Collins by Friday, September 29th. Grace Group will hang up the posters over the weekend and deliver the cards along with their gift cards & goodies on Monday, October 2nd. All three of our wonderful custodians work tirelessly to make our school shine and we want to ensure the know how much we care

Our School-Wide Educator Effectiveness Indicator is Differentiation

Handbook Review

Friday, September 22, 2023

 Notes from the Leadership Team

Our PTO will coordinate treats for our staff on Parent-Teacher Conference Day, October 10. They are planning a Sweet Treat at 12:00 and a Savory Treat around 4:00.

Dr. Martin has asked the principals to provide "points of pride" from the 2022-2023 school year.  He will use these are part of his annual report at a Trussville Chamber of Commerce Meeting.  Leadership Reps were asked to email Tyner their suggestions.

The following dates/events were discussed and a date for our first nine weeks Celebration was chosen.

Oct 12 - Thursday - Report Cards and Friday Freeze
Oct. 13 - Friday - Pumpkin Fun Run and Nine Weeks Celebration @2:00

We will implement a plan to decrease the number of students in the cafeteria during lunch. A schedule will be posted designating one class in each grade level as "eating out of the cafeteria".  During your "out" week, your class may eat in the classroom or outside. Parents will be notified that it's a "no lunch visitors" week.  

Our staff would like to offer support to Candice Tillman and her husband as they both battle cancer. The office will order a meal once or twice a week and Peggy will deliver.  This project is not a part of our Grace Group and doesn't fall under the Grace Group guidelines.  So, we are asking for donations.  In addition, we are collecting cards from classes to add to the meals each week.  Kylie Collins is coordinating the card campaign.  If you would like to donate, you can Venmo Barbara or bring cash to Barbara.  Her Venmo is   @Barbara-Seal

Sunday, September 17, 2023


It's "A" Week!

Tuesday - Collaboration during Specials -Childhood Cancer Awareness
Thursday - Fall Pictures - Short Staff Meeting - Leadership Team Meets
Friday - HTHS Track Team helping with Arrival - Prize Patrol

Duty this Week 
Kindergarten: Bamberg
First Grade : Bridges
Cafeteria: Faucher
Carline: Garrett and Young
Zone 1: Lipford
Zone 2: Kibbey
Zone 3: D. Franklin
Radio: Prickett
End of Carline: Ellis
Monitor carline students: McDonald and Collins
Intersection on the back hall: Searcy
Hallway around Searcy/Kiefer: Kiefer
Intersection on the front hall: Fulmer

Walker Pass Colors
Mon: White
Tues: Yellow
Wed: Green
Thurs: Blue
Fri: Pink

 Star Students
Mon: Jones
Tues: Walker Folds and Roy Yu
Wed: Bamberg
Thurs: Shorter
Fri: Wilkerson
Next Monday will be Moore

Handbook Review

 Very Important! Teachers Handout Walker Passes! 
Students should never "grab" their own!

Don't forget to complete your annual training.  
Deadline is Friday

Don't forget to send in the name of your 
September Pacesetter. 

Please consider paying Grace Group Fees. Hard copies of all the information was placed in you box last week.  If you have any questions, see Kylie Collins or another member of the committee.

This week, we'll start pushing out in formation about our Parent/Teacher conferences on October 10.  We will not dictate how you set your appointments.  That is up to you!  We will be here 10:30 - 6:00.  We are giving you a form to record when you meet with each parent. For some of you, that may be before October 10, due to concerns generated by Progress Reports. Please let us know if you have any questions. 

It's time for us to choose a school -level indicator for our 2023-2024 Professional Learning Plans.  Mrs. Rosetta and I have talked and narrowed down the list to three.  Please take a minute to use the link to the google survey to record your vote.  Choose our School Level Indicator

It's time to nominate for our September Team Member of the Month!  This month  we'll honor a 3rd, 4th, or 5th grade teacher.  Our most recent honorees were Misty Moore and Sara Wessel.

Sunday, September 10, 2023

It's "B" Week!

Star Students

Mon: Harrison
Tues: Bridges
Wed: Patterson
Thurs: Pennington
Fri: Summers
next Monday will be Jones

It's Book Fair Week
Monday:  AEA will be in the back workroom
Tuesday: Collaboration during Specials with Dr Berry - Spirit Night at Marco's
Thursday: Family Night at the Book Fair - ARI Meeting for 2/3 parents -No staff Meeting
Friday: Prize Patrol - Progress Reports posted -

Duty this Week
Kindergarten: Summers
First Grade: Patterson
Cafeteria: Garrett
Carline: Faucher and Kiefer
Zone 1: Johnson
Zone 2: Mann
Zone 3: Collins
Radio: Jackson
End of Car Line: McIntosh
Monitor Carline Students: Jones and Windham
Intersection of the back hall: P. Franklin
Hallway around Searcy/Kiefer: Fortenberry
Intersection of the front hall: Young

Walker Pass Colors
Mon: Green
Tues: White
Wed: Pink
Thurs: Yellow
Fri: Blue

Thank you for turning in Visitor's Forms and Field Trip permission forms early! Visitor's Forms must be turned in at least ONE Week ahead of the visit.  Field Trip request should be completed at least 6 weeks ahead of the trip.  However 2 months is preferred. 

SuccessMaker Information
Through our SuccessMaker journey, I've learned that this program is quirky and the customer services isn't great. Please read the information below and do your best to follow these directions.
After comparing Student Reports, Teacher Reports and the Admin Usage Report, nothing has changed!  The student time is different on 2 of the 3 or on all 3.

Last year, it was explained to me that the Admin report subtracts idol minutes.  The other reports do not.
For Wall of Fame and Awards, we will ONLY use the Admin Usage Report.  Because you do not have access to that report, I will print them periodically and put them in your mailbox.
PLEASE DO NOT update student Data Notebooks or give information to parents using anything other than the reports I provide for you. 
We also learned, the hard way, NEVER delete lessons that have been completed.  When you do this it subtracts the time from the usage report.
If you have any questions, please come talk to me or Mrs. Rosetta.

Students should be INSIDE classrooms by 7:50 - Please start moving out of the halls and the library in time to make sure that happens! 

If you haven't joined the PTO, please consider doing that!  Everything you need is on the PTO Web Page


We do not force students to stand or say the 
pledge or sing the Star Spangled Banner.  
We do expect that they are respectful.

From The New Classroom Instruction that Works by Goodwin and Rouleau

The First Stage of Learning - Becoming Interested
"To engage in learning students must first become interested in and find content worthy of attention. "

- Student effort compensates for ability
- Curiosity primes the brain for learning and supports 
retention of learning
-Create Cognitive Interest Cues
      Mystery - Controversy -Riddles -Student Interest

What are some ways you use to connect learning and "hook" students from the beginning.  Let me know, I'd love to come see you work your magic.