It's "A" Week!
Star Students
Wed: Collins
Thurs: Mann
Fri: Wessel
Rish will have Monday
Walker Pass Colors
Wed: Yellow
Thurs: Blue
Fri: White
Duty this week...
Kindergarten: Pennington
First Grade: Latham
Cafeteria: Harrington
Carline: Garrett and Fulmer
Zone 1: Dickerson
Zone 2: Collins
Zone 3: D. Franklin
Radio: Prickett
End of Car Line: Osburn
Monitor Car Riders: Lipford and Windham
Intersection of Front Hall: Searcy
Front lawn (buses only): Jackson
On the Calendar
Thursday- No Staff Meeting
Friday - District Spelling Bee for Leon Zeng and Henry Hallman
Heads Up - 3-5 Progress Reports go home 1/13
Congratulations to Porshia and the other District gifted teachers! They were awarded a grant for $26,000. The money will be shared between all the GaTE teachers in TCS.
Tuesday is a Work Day!
Leadership Team will meet 11:30 -1:00
Grade Level Meetings to define Data Notebooks
Please upload common pages, data collection charts ect..
Also upload your schedule for when these will be sent home.
Each Grade Level has a folder within the folder labeled Data Notebooks. You can find this in the Teacher Resources Drive
Please make sure each of these areas are covered: (you may add others!)
1. AR (are you tracking points, words read? do you have short and long term goals? how often are test records printed and added to the notebook?)
2. AIMSWeb Math and Reading
3. SuccessMaker Math (required) Reading (optional)
4. Personal Student goals that may or may not be academic
4. Math Facts (track what is applicable for your grade)
5. RAZ kids for Kinder (can be used for selected kiddos in other grades)
6. Sight Words for K and 1
7. Signature page for parents to sign
Other things to note.......
AIMSWeb results should be printed and placed behind a tab in the back of the NB
ALL students should be able to "talk through" their data NB with their parents.
PST is scheduled for January 12 and 13. Please make sure your plans have been updated and any new referrals have been made.
- I changed the code, and created a Group just for TCS and pulled in the resources.
- The teachers can join the group using this code and then copy the materials to their classes.
- Please share – this is a fantastic resource for our teachers
- I’m going to place these in Schoology too
- This includes the updated ones for ELA
- This is a field test year
OUR Testing Dates
March 22 - ELA (Session 3)
March 23 - ELA (Sessions 1, 2, 4)
April 5 - Science (Sessions 1, 2)
April 11 - Math (Sessions 1, 2)
Morning Meetings
Let's take some time to revisit your Classroom Behavior Contract and spend some time talking about SMART goals! PACE Characteristic for this month: Integrity
Prize Patrol will start back on January 13th!