Sunday, August 28, 2022


It's "B" Week!

Walker Pass Colors

Mon: Yellow
Tues: Pink
Wed: Green
Thurs: White
Fri: Blue

Duty This Week
Kindergarten: Pennington
First Grade: Latham
Cafeteria: Garrett
Car Line: Harrington and Fulmer
Zone 1 Dickerson
Zone 2: Vincent
Zone 3: Mills
Radio: Prickett
End of Car Line: Osburn
Monitor Students: Moore and Odom
Insection of the front hall: Fulmer
Front Lawn (just for buses): Jackson

Continue Math and Reading AIMSWeb and AlaKids for K
Don't forget to turn in the name of your August PaceSetter
Mon: Third Grade Chat Night
Tues: First Grade and Fifth Grade Chat Night
Wed: Announce and take pictures of August PaceSetters
Thurs: AFT in back workroom before school - GaTE parent Meeting in the cafeteria after breakfast - No staff meeting - Please make sure you've watched all the required videos - Fourth Grade Chat Night
Fri: Wear Your School Colors Day! - Newcomers Breakfast (invitation only) - Lock Down Drill-

Star Students this Week!
Mon: Lipford
Tues: Odom
Wed: Dickerson
Thurs: Harrison
Fri: Latham
next Monday will be Patterson

We will have a Lock Down Drill Friday morning.  I will announce the exact time Friday morning during announcements.  This drill will not be a surprise and we shouldn't catch anyone during a transitional time. Please spend some time prior to our drill practicing with your class. Tell them exactly what to expect. 1. hiding  2. lights off  3. silence  4. policemen coming to their doors   I think there is much less anxiety is they know what to expect.  

We'll announce Team Member of the Month this week!  Please take a minute to nominate a Specialist or Exceptional education teacher that you feel needs some extra recognition.  Last year we recognized Mrs. Searcy and Mrs. Young from this group.

Our staff picture wasn't the best so I've rescheduled with a photographer.  Please, please do what you can to be here.  This is the picture we will hang in the school and I'll use on social media.  New date: September 29 at 2:30. We will wear our Staff Shirts.

Your 2022-2023 Leadership Team
Jami Bamberg
Chris Patterson
Linda Odom
Lisa Rish
Kylie Collins
Misty Moore
Sarah Jackson
Amy Prickett

Just a reminder......  Ready Sub is web based.  You can access it from your phone, tablet or computer!  We have a much better chance of getting a sub if you can enter it in Ready Sub the day/night before. Although, I do understand that's not always possible. I also really appreciate you sending me a text letting me know. Occasionally Barbara and I can help too.

Please remember Sara Wessel and her family. After a long illness, her mother passed away Saturday.  Sara will be traveling to Connecticut Friday.

Our Safety Team has asked for a CES Remind as an alternate way to communicate in the event our intercom system fails during an emergency situation.  Please sign up for the CES Faculty notifications through this link    .EMERGENCY USE - Remind

Please remind parents!  Add to your Chat Night presentation!

Sunday, August 21, 2022


It's "A" Week!

Mon: Vincent
Tues: Rish
Wed: Johnson
Thur: Kibbey
Fri: Marshall
next Monday: Lipford

Walker Pass Colors
Mon: Yellow
Tues: Pink
Wed: Blue
Thurs: Green
Fri: White

Duty this Week
Kindergarten: Jones
First Grade: Harrison
Cafeteria: Harrington
Car Line: Garrett and Franklin
Zone 1: Marshall
Zone 2: Rish
Zone 3: Bramlett
Radio: Jackson
End of Car Line: Ellis
Monitor Students: Mills and Marshall
Intersection of the front Hall: Searcy
Front Lawn (only for buses): Smith

AIMSWeb and AlaKids (Konly)
Testing Team @ Cahaba for ORF
Mon: Kindergarten Chat Night 
Thurs: K Math Meeting, Safety Meeting - NO Staff Meeting - Second Grade Chat Night
Fri: Prize Patrol

Post YOUR Schedule beside your door
Upload your schedule in the Teacher Resource Drive (use the designated folder)
Upload your Chat Night Slide Presentation in the Teacher Resources Drive (there's a folder)
Please start Uploading your Newsletters in the Teacher Resources Drive (find the folder!)
Make sure your personalized Behavior Plan for your students is completed in the Tinker portion of LincSprings.

A reminder of what goes in a Newsletter.....
REQUIRED: PaceSetter recognitions and monthly trait, Skills for the Week, Spelling and Vocabulary words, Current Read Aloud, Classroom Recognitions, School Events and Important Dates

Don't Forget those 3rd Party Forms!
We cannot share ANY information about students to doctors, tutors, outside counselors etc.....  without a 3rd party form on file for them at Cahaba.  You can print this form from the Teacher Resources drive, found in the folder labeled "Forms".  Once it's signed make sure that Mrs. Tyner has a copy.

Now is the time to get all the kinks worked out with Success Maker.  If you are having problems please put a WORF in NOW! 

Please make sure your bus riders get out of your room when they are called! When students miss the bus, we'll send them back to your room to call parents.  You are better able to explain to the parent what happened.  I don't give the wave for the buses to leave until after I've called all the car riders. 

We have a prayer group that meets every Wednesday morning in the front conference room at 7:20. Everyone is welcome.  You can come in late or leave early.  You can come every Wednesday or once a month.  The door is always open.  We also take prayer request. This Wednesday will be our first time to meet this year!

Sunday, August 14, 2022


It's "B" Week!

We had a good first 3 days!  It had a few challenges, but we met each one and 
have a plan to make this week even better.  
Thank you for your 
attention to detail and positivity.

On the Calendar this Week

Grades 2 -5, The Window for AIMSWeb Assessments (Reading and Math) is now open - 
Deadline - August 31 for online portions
Kindergarten - AlaKids assessments should be completed by Sept. 14
Tuesday: Fire Drill at 9AM
Thursday: Staff Meeting at 2:30
Friday: Prize Patrol 2;15-2:45

Mon: Wilkerson
Tues: Collins
Wed: Windham
Thurs: Wessel
Fri: Mann

Walker Pass Colors
Mon: Green
Tues: Blue
Wed: Yellow
Thurs: Pink
Fri: White

Duty this Week
Kindergarten: Bamberg
First Grade: Bridges
Cafeteria: Garrett
Car Line: Harrington and Searcy
Zone 1: Lipford
Zone 2: Kibbey
Zone 3: Windham
Radio: Smith
End of Car Line: Wessel
Monitor Students: Wilkerson and Lipford
Intersection of Front Hall: Young
Front Lawn: Prickett

Please print a class list for your emergency bags to serve as a temporary until we take yearbook pictures.  When those are taken, Nancy will replace your list with a class list with pictures.

Mandatory Training through Videos
Yearly - Due September 9 - Click Here
Rhithm Training - Click Here
EL Training -Click Here

Prize Patrol will roll this Friday Afternoon


A link for your grade level to choose a date for your Chat Night will be sent out Monday afternoon after dismissal... ( As soon as I get back to my office).  They will be:  Aug 22 @ 5:15 and 6:15  Aug. 25 @ 6:15     Aug. 29 @ 5:15 and 6:15   Aug. 30 @ 5:15 and 6:15    Sept. 1 @ 5:15 and 6:15  

Please consider creating a closed FB or IG group for your class.  When you do, make sure to invite Mrs. Rosetta and me to join. 

100% - ALL Cahaba Parents gave consent for their child to be photographed!!

SMORE is free to ALL - We have a District Account - Check your email for information from Jason Gaston

Meredith McDonald's Dad had a heart attack Friday. He has struggled this weekend.  The family covets your prayers.
Angela Shorter is experiencing ongoing issues with her knee.  Please pray for that knee to heal!

Sunday, August 7, 2022


It "A" Week!

Duty this week......

Carline: Garrett,  Osburn and Fortenberry
Buses; Rosetta, Antonio and Prickett
Breakfast: Harrington and Ellis
Helping kids find classrooms: Smith, Young, Searcy
Kindergarten Holding:  K teachers (at least 2 each day)
First Grade Hall:  1st teacher (at least 2 each day)
Second Grade Hall: 1 teacher in the Hall and one at the end of the ramp (each day)
Zone 1 (3rd and 1/2 of 4th): one teacher each day
Zone 2 (1/2 4th and 5th) : one teacher each day
Taking walker passes: Pam Shepard
Out Front with the Buses and Walkers: Antonio and Rosetta
Helping First Grade with buses: Fortenberry
Car Line: Osburn, Young, Ellis
Radio: Prickett/Jackson
Intersection of the front Hall: Searcy
Area beside the back workroom: April Smith
If I left your name off, find a place to help!

On the Calendar.........(check the calendar)
Monday: Meeting, Breakfast, Staff Picture and Institute - WEAR Your new Staff Shirt - 1st and 3rd Meet the Teacher

Tuesday: Meeting, Chickfila Biscuits - Kindergarten Meet the Teacher

Wednesday: Staggered Start N-Z - 
Thursday: Staggered Start A-M
Friday: All Students - 
Fifth Grade Breakfast at the Track

Wednesday: Peyton Soles and June O'Kelley
Thursday:  John Samuel King and James Banks
Friday: Lucy Taylor and Moses Davis

Walker Pass Colors
Wed: Blue
Thurs: Green
Fri: Yellow

Don't forget to watch all the required training videos.  
Here is your link!  Click HERE

Our students will need to learn their lunch numbers this year.  We are moving away from the badges. Please make sure they can tell or show the number! 

Data Notebooks are ready for pick up in the Collaboration Room!

PLEASE Take a minute and record you birthday on this google doc!  Birthday Doc

Misty Moore's Father-in-law passed away late last week. The services for him were today.  Please keep her family in your prayers.  Especially her mother-in-law.  They married when she was 19. This is going to be a huge adjustment for her.