Please consider joining us for our EOY parade, Friday morning at 8:15 (parade begins at 8:30) we'll line up at the school. Paint your car, make signs, bring balloons - whatever you choose. Your personal children may ride with you. Our parade will follow the two routes printed In the Loop. Each route will be led by one of our School Buses and a SRO.
It is very important for you to respond as quickly as possible to any emails that the office staff may send out this week. So many of the things we are navigating this week are time sensitive and we can't wait an hour or more for a response. Thanks in advance for your help.
I have a few spots for Pledge Helpers this week. Sign Up Here
Our Specialist have been working on a video salute to our Fifth Graders. PLEASE send in a picture of you holding a sign with well wishes similar to what we would have done for our Fifth Grade Clap out. PICTURES ARE DUE MONDAY 5/18 Load picture HERE!
"The Doctor came in and said that Bo would need to stay another night. They are doing another echo tomorrow then making a decision about coming home. Bo's stats on his heart dropped a little yesterday, but his numbers look better today. He is off the light! Please pray for the same results on the echo as the other day!"