Our Pledge Helpers this week.......
Mon: Shannon
Tues: Cates
Wed: Shorter
Thur: Wilkerson
Friday: Wilson
Duty this week.....................
Car Line: Feild
First Grade: Latham
Bus Sidewalk: Bamberg
Library: Cates
Cafeteria: Fortenberry
Back Hall: Dickerson, Wikerson, Wilson
Car Line: Prickett, Wessel, Jones
Front Sidewalk: Bamberg
Front Hall Intersection: Bridges
Outside Teacher Workroom: Higg
I'll take nominations for Team Member of the Month through Wednesday. Consider nominating one of our wonderful classified employees!
Remember, before you can fill out a paperwork for a doctor, talk to a tutor or discuss/give any information about one of our students to someone other than the legal guardian, we must have the Third Party Form completed. Once you've received them back signed, please send me a copy.
Please remember Porshia Franklin. She will be out during the remainder of this month and all of November due to an unexpected surgery.
Veterans Day is right around the corner, November 8, we will host our Veterans for a program and have Essay Winners read their essays. Essays are due to Mrs. Tyner by November 1st. One winner will be chosen from each grade, 1-5. The prompt: What does Veterans Day mean to me?
Our Leadership Team Met about a week ago to discuss two issues. Guidance on dealing with misuse of technology and strategies for progress monitoring students before PST meetings.
Misuse of technology can be anything a student does on their Chromebook that is opposed to your direct instructions. This includes physical abuse as well as choosing to "play" on the Chromebooks instead of follow the teacher's directives. If student searches involve weapons or words/images that are sexual in nature, it should be immediately referred to the office.
First Offense - Parent notified - conduct code
Second Offense - No Chromebook usage for a week - parent notified - conduct code
Third Offense and all other times - All of the above and a referral to the office - Class I offense
Teacher Reminders
1. You should ALWAYS use Go Guardian when students are using their Chromebooks.
2. You may ban student use of technology when there is a substitute.
Progress Monitoring students BEFORE PST -
1. You have a one week window, prior to PST meetings to progress monitor.
2. Progress monitoring is for any MSL, T2 , T3 or monitor student.
3. Progress monitoring for ELA is STAR. Progress monitoring for Math is STAR Math
Other Concerns:
1. My PST kids are embarrassed when they have to take the STAR and the other kids don't. Some suggestions - Make sure everyone is working on an assignment on the Chromebook - Progress monitor during EnRICh time. This is typically a time when everyone is doing something different.
2. My PST kiddos don't focus when they take it in my room. - Talk to your partner teacher and offer to progress monitor everyone in your room, while she takes the others for an activity. Use your "no specials day" and plan a quiet Chromebook activity for everyone, only differentiated.
Members for the Leadership also brought up a concern about the tracking of work request. After meeting with Tony and Rosetta, we've come up with a plan. We are asking that you make all work/maintenance through a google form. Here's the link: maintenance/work order request
Tony is going to work directly from this form, so ALL REQUEST MUST COME THROUGH THIS FORM!