It's "A" Week
Duty This Week~
Car Line - Rish
First Grade - Grogan
Bus Sidewalk - Feild
Library/K - Odom
Cafeteria - Pennington
Car Line - Prickett, Meredith, Wessel
Front Sidewalk - Latham
Front Hall Intersection - Higg
Outside Teacher Workroom- Osburn
Pledge Helpers
Monday: Mince
Tuesday: Rish
Wednesday: Windham
Thursday: Patterson
Friday: Smith
August 30th is the cut off date for purchase orders. The window will open again October 1st.
Don't forget Grace Group dues. The team left committee guidelines in your box last week. Refer questions to Mrs. Tyner or a member of the team.
As mentioned in our staff meeting, 4th and 5th grade students have "official" test score sheets that should be sent home in an envelop at Chat Night. You CANNOT send these home with the students. If parents don't come to Chat Night, return the envelopes/with names to Nancy.
After Chat Nights are over, please send your slide show to your parents via email or a FB post.
Reminder about Newsletters/Weekly Plans ..
In a parent memo earlier this year, everyone was informed that electronic devices are NOT allowed out during any instructional time. These items must stay in the student's backpack and on silent.
If students choose to break this rule, please follow this protocol.
First Time: Take the device and return to the student at the end of the day. The student will also receive a conduct code or behavior mark
Second Time: Take the device and notify the parent that you/we will be happy to return the device to them, but the student will not be allowed to have it back. They also recieve a conduct code or behavior mark
Third Time: Email me. I will take the device, call the parent, enter the infraction in iNow and assign some sort of consequence.
I will be out of town this weekend through Tuesday evening.
I am always available by text or email.
However, if it's an emergency, contact Mrs. Rosetta.