It's "B" Week!
You have Duty this Week
Car Line: Pennington
Cafeteria: Scott
Sidewalk between the school and gym: Feild
Back Hall: Odom, Patterson, F. Smith
Library: Philpot
First Grade: Latham
Car Line: Osburn, Shannon, Gudgen
Front Lawn/bus: Tilford
Front Hall/Intersection: Williams
Top of Ramp: Mince
Morning Pledge Helpers are listed on our website as one of the ways we recognize children. Please send me a note or an email with the students you've chosen as pledge helpers letting me know why they were chosen. I will add this to their introduction. This will probably mean that you will need to make decisions ahead of time, so their parents will make sure they are at school on time. Pledge Helpers should be in the office no later than 7:50. Please also consider recognizing them on your class website/FBpage with your Husky Paw Winner.
Our Pledge Helpers
Mon: Higg
Tues: Wessel
Wed: Windham
Thur: Rish
Fri: Patterson
The TAC Committee will meet Wednesday afternoon. Please get questions turned in prior to Wednesday! Representatives have a red dot on their mailbox.
If you have a nomination for Team Member of the Month, please get that in by Monday. I'll announce the honoree Tuesday.
The following are a few quotes that I picked up while I was in Chicago. They really stirred my heart. #ourkidsdeserveit
"If you dread Mondays and live for Friday, you are absolutely doing it wrong" PJ Caposey
"If you redo your drivers license test, do you get half credit? If you take the ACT more than once do they average your scores? Why do we give half credit for redos? or average them together?" Rick Wormeli
"Shout out to all the educators that view hallway duty, bus duty, lunch duty, and any other duty over the course of the day, as an opportunity to greet, speak with, and acknowledge students in a non-academic space. There's so much opportunity during these moments" Dr. Justin Tarte
"If you have to walk down the hall anyway, can't you smile and talk to kids while you do it?" Ron Clark
"We should teach in a way that makes our students want to be teachers when they grow up" Ron Clark
"Every child deserves to be warmly greeted, to have their name used positively, and to be hugged, high-fived, hand-shaked, or at least smiled at by their teacher, daily. This is the bare minimal." Dwayne Reed