Monday, June 17, 2024

Summer Edition

PTO Executive Board

President - Angela Burton
Vice President - Dani LeMaster
Volunteer Coordinator - Kristen Turner
Treasurer - Stephanie Steele
Secretary - Katie Quimby
Fundraisers - Mallory Pruitt and Celeste Ward

New Staff and grade level changes

Second Grade
Tessa Mann - making the move from 4th
Abbey Wright - coming from Springville

Third Grade
Sabrina Johnson - making the move from 2nd - self-contained
Schneryll Hollings - ELA, teaming with Rish - coming from Homewood

Fourth Grade
Rebekah Jenkins - ELA, teaming with Wessel - coming from Winona, MS

Fifth Grade
Grace Songer - Social Studies/Science teaming with Wilkerson and Moore - coming from Springville

Special Education
Courtney Mosley - making the move from 3rd grade
Hannah Tolbert - taking Fulmer's spot - coming from 
Culman Co.

Jourdan Barnett - coming from Pell City

Matt Taylor - coming from Oak Mountain

Sunday, May 19, 2024

On the Calendar....,.

Monday: Fifth Grade Awards Program @ 9 - 2:00 Prize Patrol - Double Winners - Gradebook locks at midnight

Tuesday: K- 1 Field Day - Picnic lunch at 11:15 - Grade Verifications Due - CES Dog Field Trip

Wednesday: 2-5 Field Day - Picnic lunch at 12:15 - Report Cards generated

Thursday: - Last Day for Students- 12:00 dismissal - Secret Pal Reveal - 2nd and 3rd PST - Report Cards Published 

Friday: Flex Day

Duty this Week
Kindergarten: Bamberg
First Grade Hall: Latham
Cafeteria: Garrett
Carline: Faucher and Fulmer
Zone 1: Marshall
Zone 2: Vincent
Zone 3: Windham
Radio: Smith
End of Carline: Wessel
Monitor Carline Students: Bamberg and Vincent
Intersection of the back hall: Searcy
Hallway around Searcy /Kiefer: Fortenberry
Intersection of the Front Hall: Young

Walker Pass Colors
Mon: pink
Tues: blue
Wed: green
Thurs: yellow

Star Students
Mon: Wilkerson
Tues: Moore
Wed: Mills
Thurs: Franklin

I know we all realize how blessed we are at Cahaba to have the absolute best PTO around! These sweet ladies volunteer their time for all kinds of tasks, whether it be for the kids, the staff or the school in general. Let’s show them a little love with a small token of our appreciation!


The plan is for each grade level/department (5 members each) to fill a small beach bag (provided by the office) for one of the PTO members that head a committee.

We are hoping that each of you can purchase a small thank your gift ($10 recommended) to go in your assigned PTO bag.

Each grade level/department would end up with 5 gifts in their assigned bag.


If you’re unable to participate in this for any reason, please let me know so we can fill the gap in some other way.

The bags will be in the front office starting Monday and hope to have filled by Wednesday.


Below is the list of how we split up the grade levels/departments and the PTO volunteer you’re assigned.  I understand you might not personally know

the person you are assigned to but everyone on this list has worked so hard for our school.

No need to put your name on anything since the bag is from Cahaba!  Joy will add a “Thank You from Cahaba” note to each bag too. 


Some gift ideas (Coffee Cup, Candle, note pads, something to use by pool or beach, Bath & Body Works . . . you get the idea ðŸ˜Š  You could all chip in for a nice gift card and fill the bag with "junk" from dollar tree ?? 


Please let me (Barbara) know if you have any questions.  I appreciate you all participating in this fun project for our PTO. 


Kindergarten – Dani LeMaster (Vice President and year book)

1st Grade – Mallory Pruitt (co-fundraising)

2nd Grade – Celeste Ward (co-fundraising)

3rd Grade + Pam Shepard – Vicki Higgins(Hospitality)

4th Grade + Tina Luttrell – Chelsea Greene (co-Wall of Fame)

5th Grade + Lindsey Faucher – Abby Valas (5th Grade Extravaganza)

ExEd Department – Casey Shockley (PaceSetter)

Specialists – Lindsey Page (co-Wall of Fame)

Lunchroom – Abby Cohron (Volunteer Coordinator)

Custodians + Interventionists – Joy Spina (Friday Freeze)

Office Staff – Angela Burton (President)

Last Chance to nominate for Team Member of the Month!  Any 3-5 teacher

ICYMI:  Reading subtest for our second and third graders came in Friday.  98.8%  of our 3rd graders met the cut-off score - 96.7% of our 2nd graders met the cut-off  

I'm so proud of all of you. 

Sunday, May 12, 2024

 It's "A" Week

Star Students

Mon: Shorter
Tues: Wilkerson
Wed: Moore
Thurs: D. Franklin
Fri: Mills
Last Week of School we'll go back through 5th grade starting with Wilkerson

This Week....
Monday: Announce May PaceSetters - Clap Out - Fourth Grade Field Trip -Kindergarten Bash
Tuesday: Data Meetings during Specials 
Wednesday:  Third Grade Awards- HTMS Band performs for School 
Thursday: Meads Miracles PJ/$2 Day - 2nd grade Field Trip - Miss Annie K-1 -Math Team Competes
Friday: PaceSetter Breakfast -Fourth Grade Awards - Fourth Quarter Celebration

Coming Soon...
Grades Due
Fifth Grade Awards
Voice Presentations
Last Prize Patrol
Field Days and Picnics
CES Dogs Field Trip
Report Cards Published/sent home
Last Days!
Secret Pal Reveal Breakfast

Duty This Week
Kindergarten: Summers
First Grade: Bridges
Cafeteria: Faucher
Carline: Garrett and Young
Zone 1: Lipford
Zone 2: Kibbey
Zone 3: Moore
Radio: Prickett
End of Carline: Bone
Monitor Carline: Summers and Collins
Intersection of the back hall: P. Franklin
Hallway around Searcy/Kiefer: Kiefer
Intersection of the Front Hall: Fulmer

Walker Pass Colors
Mon: Pink
Tues: White
Wed: Yellow
Thurs: Green
Fri: Blue

A few parents have asked me about class pictures. We chose to skip out on class pictures and Spring pictures this year.  Please post or email your parents one last Class Picture before the end of the year!

Time to nominate for our last Team Member of the Month for this school year.  Please nominate a 2-5 teacher for this recognition.  Our last honorees were Donna Franklin and Tessa Mann.

Monday morning immediately following morning announcements we will "Clap Out" our Fifth Graders.  


The Fifth Graders will start close to 8:10 at their end of the hall and walk down the entire hall leaving the doors beside Bridges/Patterson’s room.  They will re-enter by the Art/Counselor room and then exit through the historic front doors. Please have your students in the halls and ready to cheer!


Shorter, Bamberg and Jones – immediately following announcements please join Pennington and Summers on their hall.  That hall should be lined with Kindergarten students when the Fifth Graders come in those end doors.


I encourage you to make posters, blow party horns, use the “clapping hands” or any other creative thing you can think of to encourage and show appreciation to our Fifth Graders.


Mrs. Smith will be taking pictures

Mrs. Prickett will be streaming LIVE on FB

Immediately after exiting the historic front doors, they will load buses for HTMS!

Here's your EOY Checklist and Checkout form.  Please print this form, staple it and turn in to Mrs. Tyner before you leave Friday, May 24. Room Assignments for 2024-2025 will be shared on or before May 23rd.

EOY Checklist - 2024


Sunday, May 5, 2024

 It '"B" Week

Teacher Appreciation Week

Walker Pass Colors

Mon: Pink
Tues: Yellow
Wed: White
Thurs: Blue
Fri: Green

Star Students
Mon: McDonald
Tues: Summers
Wed: Pennington
Thurs: Jones
Fri: Bamberg
next Monday will be Shorter

On the Calendar.............
Monday: Move Up Day - Concession Stand 9-1 in the Foyer
Tuesday: Kindergarten Awards - Gift Day - stop by the Foyer
Wednesday: Nurse Appreciation - First Grade Awards - Duty Free Lunch - see you on the lawn
Thursday: Second Grade Awards - Friday Freeze (on Thursday) - SHINE concert - Treat at Dismissal
Friday: Fifth Grade Mystery Extravaganza - 3:00 - Cut Off for WOF, AR and SM awards - Breakfast from Faith - Pick up a gift from the workroom 9-1

Coming Soon
Fourth Grade Field Trip
Fifth Grade Clap Out - Visit HTMS
Kindergarten Bash
May PaceSetters Announced
Data Meetings
Third Grade Awards
HTMS Band performs
Second Grade Field Trip
Miss Annie K and 1
Staff Meeting
PaceSetter Breakfast
Fourth Grade Awards
Fourth Quarter Celebration

Kindergarten: Shorter
First Grade: Patterson
Cafeteria: Garrett
Carline: Faucher and Kiefer
Zone 1 Johnson
Zone 2: Mann
Zone 3: Wilkerson
Radio: Jackson
End of Carline: McIntosh
Monitor Carline Students: Pennington and Rish
Intersection of the back hall: Searcy
Hallway around Searcy/Kiefer: Fortenberry
Intersection on the front Hall: Young


We are still having school and parents should see that in your Newsletters

Let's wait to start packing up your room until May 20 or later

Classroom Awards for K, 1 and 2 should be planned for the afternoon after your morning Awards Program.